Nobel Peace Prize ?

Let us talk about the Nobel Peace prize which is called Alfred Nobel's Peace prize
"Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded to the person who:
during the preceding year [...] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

Alfred Nobel's will stated that the prize should be awarded by a committee of five people elected by the Norwegian Parliament. It is also unclear why Nobel wished the Peace Prize to be administered in Norway.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee speculates that Norway may have been better suited to awarding the prize as it did not have the same militaristic traditions as Sweden and that at the end of the nineteenth century the Norwegian parliament had become closely involved in the Inter-Parliamentary Union efforts to resolve conflicts through mediation and arbitration.

I am not sure why this award was not given to Mahatama Gandhi as he father of india struggled with the British to gain independence with the help of the non-voilence .
It will very absurd to say about the decisions may be partial made by the Nobel Committee ...at some part of time ..

This socitey has a prestigious respect for a Nobel Peace Prize before but now no more when they announced the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama .People come and go in this earth .. Awards are not the crietria here but the mission to achieve the peace with the nations esp Afganisthan , Iraq etc .

I really donot care if he receives an award what it matters is the way the things are may be with the health or with the economy or inter relationships
with Israel and Palestine " A gift is presented to me for my birth day from my friend .. Every day if i see the gift i should get a "warmthness towards me ".

In the same way if Obama gets an award .."I feel proud as that He won this but need to know about the gift what does it really accounts for "

These are some of the comments made by the public in various news papers .....

"Scrap the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s an embarrassment and even an impediment to peace"
resident Obama wins the Heisman Trophy after watching a college football game.

The stunning announcement -- even the president's strongest supporters assumed the committee would wait a few years to see what kind of fruit Mr. Obama's initiatives bear -- may have resulted in part from the lack of other high-profile nominees. Speculation had focused on such candidates as Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, a Colombian senator, a Chinese dissident and an Afghan women's rights activist.

The president accepted the award with good grace, and he deserves congratulations.

All that said, however, it was a jaw-dropping decision that could hurt Mr. Obama by implying he has won a series of struggles which still lie before him, and before us. It was also a choice that can only further undercut the reputation of the Nobel Prizes for gravitas and sagacity, accelerating the 20-year tendency of the outfit to promote leftist political goals and indulge in modern liberalism's most pathetic foible, that being to place high-flying rhetoric and the assertion of good intentions ahead of actual accomplishments.

Katie Sherman wrote:
It's official, the award is now totally worthless. "The Nobel Hope Prize"... What has this man done? He is surrounded by marxists and socialists, his economic policies are futile, and he's waffling on the war on terror! He couldn't even effectively argue for Chicago and the Olympic Games. The man is a PACIFIST, not a real leader. Anyone remember Neville and Adolf?
October 13, 2009 6:01 PM BST
Anne Hughes wrote:
What next - a Nobel Prize for Literature for a book that may or may not be written? A Nobel Prize for Chemistry/Medicine/Physics for research that may or may not done? Sorry, but the choice of Barack Obama as the recipient of the 2009 Peace Prize is not only political correctness gone way over the top, it is the continuation of a process that began when it went to Al Gore in 2007 - that of diminishing the award itself.
October 13, 2009 5:38 PM BST
New Orleans wrote:
He breathes and he gets the Nobel Peace Prize...one more pimp for the great Fraud.....Obama....lifelong practitioner of the Alynski method..oh yes..really peaceful that method...of getting what you want with no boundries applied.


Unknown said...

Hi ,

I am Karthik .I want to comment on the following topic .

Yes , Noble peace prize has lost his value .How can the noble peace prize can be given to a man who has just done nothing .if this is the case then history is repeated again .The one who is powerful can dominate the world .I can only think that because US is powerful country as of now and beeing the president of the powerful country he is given this award .if we think that because he has created hope he is given this award then all the politicians in India should be given this award .Because every time elections happen people hope that some politician will do something on the hope they have given .thats all for now


Anonymous said...

Nice blog

Thirumala Kumar B said...

Hi Balu,
How are you my frined.
It has been a while since we spoke.I am surprised to see ur blog. You have opened some of the best blogs for awareness. I am surprised to see obama getting Nobel Peace prize. hahaha
Next turn is our Balakrishna. I think he is also eligible.


Marcel said...

Hi my friend!

Where are you?

Interesting blog! Funny I've read about the Nobel Prize today before I came to your weblog.

Take care!