Missing Years of “MY” life …

                                            Missing Years of “MY” life …

When I say “ MY “life ,,,”,I “the symbolism of this humanity ."I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly".By this point You guys will be knowing “I “
Referring none other than “Jesus Christ “ .

In John 1:29-33, we have the record of Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist, in these words:
"The next day, John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, 'Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world this is He of whom I said: "After me cometh a man which is preferred before me, for He was before me." And John bare record, saying I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon Him. AND I KNEW HIM NOT:"
• Is that Bapist John did recognize HIM as “Lamb of God,” after he is baptized ?
That is, John received the vision by which he identified Jesus as the Lamb of God; but he didn't recognize him as a person, a relative of his, for he says "I KNEW HIM NOT." If John the Baptist had seen his cousin Jesus 3 times each year to that time, he certainly would have recognized Jesus, and if Jesus had been in Palestine during the last 18 years, John would surely have seen Him. Therefore Jesus must have been absent during those years.
• Baptist John has not Recognized HIM as “THE ABOSOLUTE“even though He was beside HIM
The families of Jesus and of John the Baptist had to bring them to Jerusalem these three times every year; and the families being such good friends, they surely met and the children played together on those occasions, so Jesus and John the Baptist were very well acquainted. But between Jesus' 12th and 30th years, the Scriptures nowhere even hint that Jesus was in Palestine; and we find in them evidence that He was absent from Palestine throughout the greater part, at least, of that period.

where did He spend these years? Before we can go into this, we must lay a foundation for it. We must learn some facts as background, fact cannot have a truth …
If HE has not been there in west before his entry to Ministry,

Can you have an answer to this Where HE would be living may be out side the nations like India or Tibet?
Assumption 1 :

…Jesus is called saint “ Ishaa”….was IN Tibet ..Records say that Jesus was in the India especially in the Himalayas practicing yoga and mediation before….After this HE appeared to the Public to Baptist John His Ministry…to the west ……
Assumptions2 : Many people say ““Jesus was a carpenter and was a fisher man
He was at his home town giving support to his family “

Some Muslims says “Jesus did not die “He raised his family and fled to france “
                                            Analaysis  :

If Assumption 2 was right , there is not a single world that was mentioned in theHoly  Bibile …What HE was doing at home place unrecognized ?
Is there a school at Home Town ? If he has studied in Home town , Which subject he is studying mathematics , Arts , Science ? I donot find any answer or any clue on this……. … Pl do comment on this blog if you have answer to the above questions....

IF the a human being makes a “magic “ and help or serve the humans in this world we can say” HE is THE Supreme ?“
According to the Assumption 1 , Jesus used to follow the Buddism before and lived in india ..If he has been in India he would have a good education in india as its is free of cost in those days and would master in making Magic or Miracles .. How does HE MAKES MIRACLES ? Its easy normal for him . Did Jesus says “ I am creating the Religion Christianty “No “ Follwers has made or found the religion called “ Christianity “Religions and different gods are just our creations to be different than others....no prophet wanted different religion....tell me...did prophet Mohammad mentioned name of islam.?.Did jesus said follow Christianity.?..and etc...etc...its just followers who created these religions... I hope aliens show up one day to everyone on earth so that we can all get united and know the truth about this universe..I can say this “ If the God is Isha , Jesus , Allah , Siva , Sai baba , but “HE” is “ONE “. HE is listening to you in different names as I told …HE listens to you Is int it ?

I am came to this conclusion, that all religions are the same no religion is different all religions may be Hinduism , Christianity or Muslimism has the same issues…..thats the reason no one converts from one religion to another   even though if they do so ... all the religions are the same  and have th their own beliefs and dogmas …. one this is sure that “ GOD “ is “One “ “HE “watching every one does not matter if you belong to one religion or set or any country “

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