Travelling through Sky

Hello Guys !
I am pretty sure I need to write up this topic “Travelling through Sky “ It has been my first fortunate experience .. No one knows how beautiful the life is until they realize ..We are here to see entertainment , sleep and yes to work in this world…
What a Lovely day ? I was travelling to Paris …Sun is on my head the temperature is 55F, hearing th birds sound ..I am alone standing at the top of The EFYILL Tower or may be “Top of the Empire state Bulding in the New YORK seeing entire New York City ……My eyes are looking at small people where they look like ants moving in a regular paths …..What an Experience? Really every day should be like this…Right ?

This time I am moving up in a plane as you see Europe , America , Asia looks like tiny ants but they cant move ..This is too amazing experience …….sorry this time I am moving up to the sky ….Don’t say that this could not happen …I see astronaut going up ..I am not sure Astronaut can roam up or play a football or just come out and say “Hello To this Sky “ but I am sure “I can “ …Yes this is the whole experience

“I am seeing some small dots in a black board ….suddenly this dark black board changes to blue ..Dots looks white …wait I feeling this like a sky in the night ‘ as you know “I donot belive it until I realize “
“I am travelling up the white dots are getting big , bigger as I am taking a drive to sky I see these stars are beside me some have a dazzling white light they are getting bigger and bigger as if I feel I have just passed MacDonald’s or Dunkin as a Big star “ But this big star does not have any serving place it looks like a solid mass with dazzling white how a moon’s color will be at the night “ I am passing each stars as I told you some are dazzling with less and more intensity “ I want to take a Photo shot and keep in Picaso or to this scientists I donot know how I can do it exactly

“I was wondering if they are some planets I am searching these stars I feel “Jupiter “ Or “Saturn “ it looks very big an eclipse is surrounded ..it has blinked for 3 seconds and gone thas it it appears like dark blue again and I am beside the stars “Can you believe this? I am not sure how to say this? I feel now we are just very small human beings in this tiny planet EARTH ..some one has created already all these planets and stars …before we are born ……The quest is still remaining

I am thinking to go to sky and see these planets how they look like …I am not sure all this experience I got it from my Ipod where I downloaded some sound and listening to this when I did not get sleep…After seeing this “Holy Shit “ I stopped hearing to my Ipod ……Music is dangerous !

I felt that I am in sky walking with stars beside me …Keep me posted if you have any real experience like this Until then see you guys have a wonderful day !

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