Free Antivirus :
Be Careful they may take out your credit card information and make money from us ..

Even though you intall it do not provide any information personal details ...hackers are waiting  for your  PC

Have you installed any downloaded anti-virus software on your computer? Check it out, it could be a fake one as cyber security experts have warned that over 40 million users worldwide have been tricked to buy such malicious software.

According to security experts at Symantec, web users generally get lured by cyber criminals to download and install fake anti-virus software on to their machines, believing they're protecting their PCs from hackers.

But actually, the criminals, who earn more than 750,000 pounds a year from the business, provide themselves a "back door" access into the machines via the software, The Telegraph reported.

Once the malicious software was installed, it forces users to unwittingly share their credit card and other financial details with fraudsters, said experts at the California-based software firm.

They have identified more than 250 versions of this software, called as 'scareware', and estimate that around 40 million people worldwide have fallen victim to these scams last year.

To intimidate and trick web users in to buying such software, Symantec said, the vendors go to great lengths.

They use pop-up adverts, which look similar as the alert messages from known and reputed anti-virus companies, to lull the users into a false sense of security. Such messages warn users that their computer has been compromised and is at risk unless they immediately install tools to protect it.

"Lots of times, in fact they're a conduit for attackers to take over your machine," said Vincent Weafer, Symantec's vice president for security response.

"They'll take your credit card information, any personal information you've entered there and they've got your machine," he said.

Hackers with always-on remote access to a machine could use that connection to harvest details of bank logins or other security codes, or even pull the computer into a giant 'botnet', a network of compromised machines that send out spam messages, or help to propagate the spread of viruses, unbeknown to the computer user, Weafer said.

"In terms of the number of people who potentially have this in their machines, it's tens of millions," he said.

Security experts also warned computer users not to buy anti-virus or security software from unsolicited pop-up adverts.

It is always better to buy those software directly from authorised company shops or from their official websites, they advised.

Conclusion :

 I am  pretty sure that every one should be careful if you install these kind of softwares in your PC ...
Be careful in giving "Credit card information to any application "  Hackers may hack you you never know ...

In this case i guess AVG has to take measures how these pop ups are coming for the credit card information ....It has been a scam if you have a free software and it will ask for credit card details ...

At my repair shop in Lincoln alone, we've had more than 300 users in the past six months come in with a computer infected with fake anti-virus software.

"This week, we've seen fake AVG anti-virus that was so good, one of my engineers was convinced that it was the real thing," said Mr Woolley.

"If we can't tell, what hope is there for Joe Public?"

Hackers have been employing more sophisticated tricks to dupe users into buying their fake software.

  Users Reviews of AVG SOFT WARE

Adney June 21, 2009 at 10:47 pm

I’ve a lot of experience with AVG. I don’t want to say that AVG is SCAM but my friend’s computer crash.. and the most important that, they’re look like install some new trojan to my friens computer.. yes.. mny people n computer engineer use this AVG but why? bcoz they know tht they customer will come back when they compuer crash..

AVG get #1 in SEO, but they are very suck..trust me..

 Jim Sep 27, 2009 at 2:09 am

AVG is the biggest scam I’ve seen. When you download the free version and you don’t upgrade after the trial period, the updating feature of the program will install thousands of trojans on your computer and will trigger the popup box that says that AVG has detected a trojan. At the same time, it will feature in VERY BIG the “UPGRADE NOW! feature for better protection” to make sure you become a customer. This is definitely fraudulent activity and this company will go out of business when the scam will be reported in medias.

Hye you should never download and use these software!!! Never give your personal details, credit card and codes! Uninstall these software! and use another antivirus

I will advise you using AVG antivirus and AVG antispyware




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